In a world without superheroes, who will stand against the forces of evil? These are the adventures of Jeffry Lewis Floyd–an alien reporter turned supervillain hunter, and Sergeant Joseph Adams, a non-nonsense police sergeant at Scotland Yard. Join them as they defeat villains from the impossible to the absurd using little more than skill, string, and sarcasm.

Supervillain of the Day is a series of novellas–episode sized plots that can be easily consumed in a single setting. The series is projected to be five seasons long, liberally sprinkled with short stories, and compiled every year into gorgeous collector editions.

About the Author

IMG_3157_closeupKatie is the self published author of the superhero parody Supervillain of the Day; a series of compact novellas rather than full length novels. Like many of her kind, she is an eccentric with more hobbies than actual qualifications, who takes sadistic pleasure in making her readers cry. She is a fan of the Internet, freedom of information, creative commons, and Neil Gaiman. She is also a professional singer/songwriter/harpist, and performs regularly at the Scottish Highland Games.